Most of you would know that next weekends Sunday Service (31st May due to be held at Taree) will be cancelled due to Father Matthew attending the Synod. Leaving for the long drive Thursday we pray that he travels safely.
Prayer for the Synod: - Almighty and everlasting God, who by thy Holy Spirit didst preside in the Council of the blessed Apostles, and hast promised, through the Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy Church to the end of the world; We beseech thee to be present with the 2015 Synod about to be assembled in thy Name, Save its members from all error, ignorance, pride and prejudice: and of thy great mercy vouchsafe so to direct, govern and sanctify them in their deliberations by thy Holy Spirit, that through thy blessing the Gospel of Christ may be faithfully preached and obeyed, the order and discipline of thy Church maintained, and the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour enlarged and extended. Grant this, we beseech thee, through the merits and mediation of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

St Hilda's, is part of the Anglican Catholic Church within Australia. St Hilda's Parish believes, teaches and practices the authentic Christianity of the early Church, as expressed within the Anglican tradition. At present our parish has a small congregation. But, by God's mercy, we hope to grow in grace and numbers and spread the good news of who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for the human race. Welcome to our blog, feel free to contact us for more information. God Bless...
St Hilda's Anglican Catholic Church Service Times
You are invited to join us for Anglican Catholic Holy Communion / Mass on:
Every Sunday, Maitland NSW Australia. Venue: St Marys School Chapel in Victoria St. Mass at 11am.
Email Fr Matthew Kirby for further details.
Check here for any additions or cancelations of services.
Every Sunday, Maitland NSW Australia. Venue: St Marys School Chapel in Victoria St. Mass at 11am.
Email Fr Matthew Kirby for further details.
Check here for any additions or cancelations of services.
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