An update for the members and friends of our parish who have been offering prayer for Lisa.
The Lord has seen fit to answer our prayers with positive results.
Lisa's heart transplant surgery went well, her new heart is now beating strong.
Lord, we thank You for your love and mercy,
And the speed at which our prayers were answered.
Lord, we pray that Lisa's physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met.
That she will heal and strengthen according to your will.
Lord, we pray for the donor,
May his/her soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Lord, we pray for the donors family
That they find the comfort of God during their time of grief.
Jehovah Rapha - Pronounced: yeh-ho-vaw' raw-faw' - meaning: The Lord That Heals.
Jehovah is the Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people.

St Hilda's, is part of the Anglican Catholic Church within Australia. St Hilda's Parish believes, teaches and practices the authentic Christianity of the early Church, as expressed within the Anglican tradition. At present our parish has a small congregation. But, by God's mercy, we hope to grow in grace and numbers and spread the good news of who Jesus Christ is and what he has done for the human race. Welcome to our blog, feel free to contact us for more information. God Bless...
St Hilda's Anglican Catholic Church Service Times
You are invited to join us for Anglican Catholic Holy Communion / Mass on:
Every Sunday, Maitland NSW Australia. Venue: St Marys School Chapel in Victoria St. Mass at 11am.
Email Fr Matthew Kirby for further details.
Check here for any additions or cancelations of services.
Every Sunday, Maitland NSW Australia. Venue: St Marys School Chapel in Victoria St. Mass at 11am.
Email Fr Matthew Kirby for further details.
Check here for any additions or cancelations of services.
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